Working in a port makes essential a deep knowledge of all other ports operational, to establish with accuracy from competitive positions trends forecasts that will guide making appropriate business decisions. To meet this need, we have designed our Database of European Ports where all flows are recorded from 1997 to present.
The Database is updated quarterly and stores data from more than 1.500 ports within 26 EU countries.
The European Ports Database offers nineteen dimensions of consultation with various levels of detail for queries implementation; allowing easy access to quarterly data of goods, containers and passengers flows moved by European Union ports within the last 20 years.
Combined use of these factors will provide, for example, projections and estimations of volumes at any time horizon: one, two, three or thirty years over the basis of historical records.
Nowadays, both companies and organizations of any kind demand a high level of security to establish the appropriate decisions to be taken, circumstance that makes essential to have accurate tools providing data of support. Bases Portuarias combines information and ease of use to allow professionals making the queries needed to set these decisions.