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Bases PortuariasBases Portuarias

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The Management of Bases Portuarias upholds a clear commitment in terms of customer professional relationship, assuring a strict and ethic moral code.

The Management assumes the responsibility of developing its activity in a sustainable way, as well as respecting laws and regulations in the field of risk prevention at work. For this reason, it establishes the following principles as policy fundamentals:

  • All processes and activities will integrate quality, environmental and risk prevention matters at work management.
  • The members of the Organization will strive to minimize the negative impact that could have their individual or joint activities on the environment, ensuring efficient use of resources.
  • All people will be responsible of their own security and will contribute to third parties safety.

The Management assumes the leadership to ensure constant attitude, practice and process improvement. Assessment and monitoring of goals and objectives related to the quality of management, environmental impact and safety will guide the operational of the whole company.